When will I receive my order?
Orders typically arrive within 1-2 days (excludingweekends/holidays). We’ll send you an email with a tracking number once youconfirm your order.
For further questions, contact us at support@adamsformen.com
You can also check your order status via the chat bubbleat the bottom right of your screen.
What are your shipping rates inside Egypt?
- Orders in Cairo and Giza: 50 LE
- Orders in all other areas in Egypt: 60 LE
- Orders 350 LE or more: Free Shipping
Do you ship internationally?
Yes. Our international customers can shop directly from oursite and have their orders shipped to their doors. Besides shipping to all GulfCountries, we also ship to Europe, North America, and many other places.
For precise information on duration and shipping costs foryour country, learn more.
How can I track my order?
Once you place an order, you’ll receive a message
Can I return products?
In short, Yes. You can return any unused or defected products within 30 days from the shipping date and you’ll be refunded in the same payment method you used to purchase.
If you’ve tried the product and are not totally happy with it, you can return it within 30 days of the purchase date, we want to make sure you’re totally satisfied with the experience. Please reach out to our team at support@adamsformen.com and send us the order number and the products you want to return.
For more information on returns, have a look at our returns policy.
How are Adams’ formulas created?
All Adams products are formulated at an international formulation laboratory with global accreditations. Before any product is offered to our customers, it needs to go through a rigorous procedure of testing to make sure it’s approved and worthy of our customers.
What forms of payment do you accept?
We accept Cash, Visa, Mastercard, American Express, —————.
Can I sell your products?
Sure! We have a dedicated section on our website for this. You just need to fill out a short form with your details. Once you do that, it’ll take a few days for us to contact you and approve.
For more information, check out our retail section of our website.